Ambiguity, Humility, and Lifelong Learning as a Counselor

Ambiguity, Humility, and Lifelong Learning as a Counselor, by Mychal Ferger, Gonzaga Master level Intern (February 2021) Am·bi·gu·i·ty noun the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness. As I reflect on my time as an intern counselor, I remember the initial utterance of these words being met with a visceral response of […]

Leaning into Learning (A Counseling Interns Learning Journey)

Leaning Into Learning (A Counselor Interns Learning Journey)  For this Life’s Learning blog series, Rubjoyt Singh, Master Level Counseling Intern (Gonzaga University)  will share about her learning journey as she transitions into her role as a counselor.  I have the honor to have her join my practice until June of 2020.  I may also write […]