Synchronicity in Savannah

Savannah, oh how I learned to love thee I so appreciate the synchronicity That played out in front of thee Perhaps, there are no coincidences in history And everything happened just the way it was meant to be 300 year old mighty Oaks line the way Many branches dangle with Spanish mossy display Massive trunks […]

Dream Kick-off Through Storytelling in Savannah

I have been blessed with the opportunity to get to travel.  Some of this touristing has been initiated as an area of interest to visit a new place nd others have been a victim of circumstance from my husbands whereabouts with work in the military.  I appreciate discovering cities, delicious new foods and especially to explore the essence […]

Breaking Patterns

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results.”  ~  Albert Einstein ~  This is a favorite quote of mine.   It has always assisted when I find myself repeating a pattern that I wish not to, step back and take a look about what I need to different and start anew.

Today’s Daily Dose

“True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day as it goes by.”  ~ E.S. Bouton ~