Tremendous Love=Unconditional Positive Regard

Counselors, Cookies and Conversation with Amanda Salisbury, LICSW and Owner/CEO of Trauma Informed therapies Tremendous Love = Unconditional Positive Regard  Greatest Learning “There is tremendous power in love.”  This is the greatest learning Amanda Salisbury, MSW, LICSW (creator, owner and CEO of Trauma Informed Therapy) shared with me when I delivered cookies with a quest […]

Play the Song Within You!

The legendary cellist, Pablo Casals was asked why he continued to practice at age 90. His reply: “Because I think I’m making progress.”  Wayne Dyer said, “Don’t die with your music still inside you.” I am in awe of the simple musical metaphors from these two men, each teaching a little different stance, yet not.  I […]

Nurture the good thoughts!

What we focus on with our thoughts has the potential to sprout, grow and can guide us in our choices.  Metaphorically, if we water the weeds (negative, painful thinking, not seeing possibilities, feeling isolated and alone, etc), then weeds overcome our lives.  If we water the flowers (positive thoughts. looking for possibilities, gratefulness, sitting with the feelings, […]

Acknowledging Others: One Thank You at a Time

Thank you! I have been thinking about these two simple words and intentionally have sat back to “notice” how thankfulness plays out in the world around me.  I am in awe of what I observe with so much gratitude. If you take the time to be intentional and look for thankfulness, you will find it. […]

Ripple Effects: One Person at a Time

I recently went to camp. I felt like a kid again, bunking up in a cabin, like it was a slumber party.  I over-packed my suitcase with all of the possible needs (e.g., flashlight, mosquito repellant, warm clothing, popcorn, s’more cookies, you know). We campers gathered to learn from each other, through readings, creative ventures […]

Inspiring, By Simply “Being”

I sit here reminiscing about the most gorgeously souled images of mentors, sages and generous girlfriends who have graced my life across time. Women whom I would be honored to model myself after and that truly have taught me so much just in their “being.” When I was a child (elementary age) and I had a rough day at school, […]

The Gifts of Perfect Imperfection

I let my dog Bodee out and was walking around the yard with him.  I feel that since my life is less rigorous in the sense of going to a work environment, I have had more time to break away and  have a stronger, relaxed sense of attention.  I notice all kinds of things, perhaps in a […]

Worry Will Change Nothing

I have had the pleasure to meet Miranda (27 years old) through a military wives group that I started on Facebook soon after a move to my area. I began to get to know her through daily sharing and comments through Facebook.   I was most struck with what she shared about her beautiful family. I […]

Retreat . . . . A Process of Clarity

Sometimes stepping back, retreating if you may, is a necessity to reconnect to self and others, heal wounds, rejuvenate energetically or to create a plan to move forward.   Retreat does not always have to be alone.  Sometimes, we may need to take space, while reaching out to those that support us.  It does not mean that we are inactive either.  We […]