Be Grounded in Yourself
Cookies, Counselors and Conversation As I was writing this blog, I reflected on gratefulness and how life can come full circle in so many ways. I have had the honor to get to teach, mentor or supervise various counselors over the years and then step back and watch with joy as they bloom as people […]
Ambiguity, Humility, and Lifelong Learning as a Counselor
Ambiguity, Humility, and Lifelong Learning as a Counselor, by Mychal Ferger, Gonzaga Master level Intern (February 2021) Am·bi·gu·i·ty noun the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness. As I reflect on my time as an intern counselor, I remember the initial utterance of these words being met with a visceral response of […]
Wending Your Way and “Becoming”
Cookies, Learning and Counselor Conversation Lucinda Wurtz sat down to share with me about learning to”Wend your way” (finding our way through the world without a linear direction) and how this can lead to becoming who we were meant to be. I was very aware about how she understands the sense of “being with” or […]
Acceptance, Faith and Meaning Making
Cookies, Learning and Counselor Conversation When I drew Sarah Meekhof’s name for the cookie delivery, I was ecstatic that I would get time with her. We had met some months earlier at a training when she came up to introduce herself. I was drawn to her warmth, big smile and the ease of conversation. We […]
Compassion Meets Understanding
Cookies, Learning and Counselor Conversation I was thrilled to have the opportunity to sit down with Counselor, Emily Willet. Emily is in private practice in downtown Spokane. The byline on her website sums up nicely both my experience of her and what I know she nurtures within a counseling relationships. It is: “Where Compassion Meets […]
Be True to Yourself (Counselor Conversation)
Cookies, Learning and Counselor Conversation Introduction In meeting with Counselor and Dietitian, Angela Pham, there is a sense that she works to be true to herself in both following her passion and what feels right for her. She shared also about learning from what her children mirror to her as a mother. There was […]
Leaning into Learning (A Counseling Interns Learning Journey)
Leaning Into Learning (A Counselor Interns Learning Journey) For this Life’s Learning blog series, Rubjoyt Singh, Master Level Counseling Intern (Gonzaga University) will share about her learning journey as she transitions into her role as a counselor. I have the honor to have her join my practice until June of 2020. I may also write […]
Advocating for Connection (Counselor Conversation)
Kayla Hicks and Joeleen Wilkinson of Charmed Counseling Cookies, Learning and Conversation In my conversation with Joeleen Wilkinson of Charmed Counseling, it struck me how much she advocates for relational connection. Whether it be with prioritizing her family. Or in her approach around advocating for kids and families and encouraging the importance of relationships, of community […]
Counselor’s and Parallel Learning (Counselor Conversation)
Cookies, Learning and Conversation The learning from this Counselor Conversation was a reminder about how our personal learning contributes to and often is parallel to what we bring to our work with clients. And that in our own humanness we have so much to offer. For this cookie delivery, I had the pleasure to sit […]
Nurturing Self Presence (Counselor Conversation)
Cookies, Learning and Conversation When I put out the word that I plan to bake cookies and deliver these to counselors, my friend and colleague, Dr. Marilyn Sears, PhD, LMFT sent me a message to ask me to lunch. The day we met, she brought her favorite cookies. She smiled at me and shared, “ I […]