![Acknowledging Others: One Thank You At a Time](https://lifeslearning.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Thank-You-Meme-300x200.jpg)
Thank you! I have been thinking about these two simple words and intentionally have sat back to “notice” how thankfulness plays out in the world around me. I am in awe of what I observe with so much gratitude. If you take the time to be intentional and look for thankfulness, you will find it. On the opposite side of things, I have been shocked by how saying thank you isn’t happening, sometimes in very important moments. Some are missing the opportunity to acknowledge another in just saying these two words.
Saying thank you out loud takes two seconds or less. Perhaps a few more seconds to write. And a little more time commitment with a phone call or extra compliment, but boy it feels good both to give and receive.
I grew up in a world of thank you cards, done in return for formal and informal gestures and considered etiquette. I was taught that when someone does something that makes your walk in the world lighter, or more joyful, to acknowledge that warmth and grace. In recognizing another, it is much more than thankfulness. It is honoring their significance, their time, valuing them and their giving. We are truly saying, “I see you and appreciate you.” This simple message can go so far. I believe the etiquette to thank others is still around, and perhaps how it is delivered has changed some, from a hand written card or letter to an email, text or even a “like” on social media. I do know that taking the time with a phone call or something hand written has a personal touch that cannot be caught in some of our quick technological gestures. Nonetheless, a thank you is a thank you.
In a world that now includes so much technology, social media, texts, fast paced living and long “to do” lists, it could be easy for any of us to miss the gestures that come in simple and big ways. The routine of life is just so busy, isn’t it? I wonder how we keep up with all of it sometimes. Can we indeed say thank you for everything that merits it? I know in my own life, keeping up with this, I have to be vigilant and intentional. I am not sure it is always possible with mass situations. And I work hard to make sure that I utter these words whenever possible. I have noticed that when I make eye contact and really take the time to thank even a person I meet briefly shopping, out in public or opening a door for me, that there is a reaction that feels good when I say thank you and compliment. We can make a difference in another person’s moment with just these two words.
James Allen said, “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” G.B. Stern said, “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.” And I love what Jean Baptiste Massieu said, “Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.”
My words to you today, are to please remember both the big and simple opportunities to say thank you as you walk through the world. Thank you, for taking the time to read my blog and to consider what I have to say. It means a lot!